how does a main() in C++ is different from main() in C?

Answer Posted / yj

First of all, make it clear that whenever we run any program the compiler search for the main() function to start execution...
The programming language C follows top down approach. Means the control moves from top to down. Hence in this we have to give main function above all the other lines of code...
But when you program in C++ which follows bottom up approach i.e., the control moves from bottom to up...For example, when we make a function in C++ we give its definition above main() and when we call that function in main(): as soon as the compiler encounter the "calling line"...the compiler now search for the definition of that function which is above the function main(). Now u visualise that the control is moving from bottom to up.

"The function main() in C has to be given at the top. But in C++the function main can be at the bottom also"

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