What are SD37, SB37, SE37 abends?

Answer Posted / sankar.t

SB37 An error occurred during end-of-volume processing of a
data set.
The system was unable to fulfill a request for more space.
1. A program loop caused too many records to be written to
the output data set.
2. Insufficient space was allocated to this data set in the
3. There was no more room available to receive any more
output on the output volume, and another volume could not
be mounted.

SE37 An error occurred during output to a direct access or
magnetic tape data set.
1. The data set used all the space on the current volume.
2. There were not enough volumes allocated for the data
3. For a PDS, either all 16 extents were used, or the
volume that it resided on was filled.
4. For a multi-volume sequential data set, the data set
already existed on a subsequent volume.

SD37 Insufficient disk space.

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