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Currently my house construction is going on but we just realized that the portico earth beam couldn't connect with the original earth because the beam rod not extended so Please advice
What is the standard specification of MOR and Water Absorption of Homogenous Ceramic Floor Tiles?
Define What is unit weight of normal concrete?
hai, kindly send anyone for output workers format details for construction project in foundation to finishing.
What are the different methods for drawing an arc?
What is different between DI Pipe and CI pipe?
What is the use of mirror command?
What is the name of this multiplication factors ?
I need model question papers for writing the Dubai municipality exam,for G+1
I'm preparing to to build a simple house, but i don't know how to calculate how much cement, gravel and sand and hollow blocks i need to prepare. How many pcs of 4" or 6" hollow blocks I need for my planned 3mx6m house? thanks.
show answer/ calculate-1-2-4 ratio-concrete -cement-sand- metal-water - please brief calculation
What is the tensile strength of wood?
what is the basic difference between Coloumn & Shear Wall
indian standard split spoon sampler
What is gravity flow?