regression testing falls under white box or black box testing?

Answer Posted / syed shameer ramesh babu

regression testing comes under black box testing

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Which of the following defines the expected results of a test? Test case specification or test design specification.


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You have designed test cases to provide 100% statement and 100% decision coverage for the following fragment of code. If width > length then biggest_dimension = width else biggest_dimension = length end_if the following has been added to the bottom of the code fragment above. Print 'biggest dimension is ' &biggest_dimensionprint 'width: ' & width print 'length: ' & length how many more test cases are required?


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How to write a test cases for the following Please it is urgent Once user clicks that link Invite Friend page opens up thru which user can do 2 functions - first is to search friends detail(name, mail id) from her address book in other sites (india times, yahoo, gmail and rediff) and second to mail the invite to the selected person/s. User can send invite to multiple person at same time. Searching friends detail in other address books will work like this: - User will input name, email id, pwd etc, select from which site she want to get friends list and then click on Import. - Users address book from other sites will be imported in one shot(first time) to iDiva database. - It will be arranged in alphabetical order(complete list) and mail ids which are already used will be in different color. - User will be able to update her address book by clicking on ""Refresh"" button on the page, which will trigger the process again, and fetch new mail ids.


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