If u r using descriptive programming to identify the object
where do u write the script for those objects? do u write
it in the expertview? plz do answer its urgent thanks

Answer Posted / krishan kant sharma

You need to write script in Expert Mode.
For example you want to click on one button available on
' Open Calculator
Systemutil.Run "Calc"
'Click on Button 1-simplest code
'Close Calculator

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How do you script a nested loop in QTP? I am showing a snipet of my code. Any suggestions to help me get this to work would be great appreciated! STEP A - Customer Number: No loop - ISBN: Loop STEP B - Customer Number: Loop - ISBN: Nested Loop Here is the code I am using now. I am using i for the loop and j for the nested loop in STEP B of my script. =========================================== 'CREATE AN ADDITIONAL CUSTOMER Dim myNum, RowNum, RowCnt2, val2, total, i DataTable.ImportSheet "C:\QOE Data - UAT1.xls" ,"Data" ,"Global" RowCnt2 = DataTable.GetRowCount i = 1 DataTable.SetCurrentRow(i) ' Set row to one Do while Not i > RowCnt2 i=i+1 DataTable.SetNextRow MsgBox Datatable.Value("Customer_Num") Msgbox i Msgbox RowCnt2 If Not i > RowCnt2 then val2=datatable.Value("Customer_Num","Global") OracleFormWindow("Sales Order").SelectMenu "File->New" OracleFormWindow("Sales Order").OracleTabbedRegion("Order Information").OracleTextField("Customer Number").SetFocus OracleFormWindow("Sales Order").OracleTabbedRegion("Order Information").OracleTextField("Customer Number").Enter val2 End If 'CREATE SECOND ISBN LIST DataTable.ImportSheet "C:\QOE Data - UAT1.xls" ,"Data" ,"Global" Dim j, RowCnt3, val3 RowCnt3 = DataTable.GetRowCount For j = 1 To RowCnt3 DataTable.SetCurrentRow(i) ' datatable.getSheet("DataTable").setNextRow If Trim(DataTable("ISBN",dtGlobalSheet)) = "" Then j = j - 1 Exit For End If Next 'Define ISBN rows If RowCnt3 <> j Then RowCnt3 = j End If 'Loop through ISBN rows For j = 1 To RowCnt3 DataTable.SetCurrentRow(i) val3 = Datatable.Value("ISBN","Global") msgbox j If j = 1 Then OracleFormWindow("Sales Order").OracleTabbedRegion("Line Items").OracleTextField("Ordered Item").SetFocus OracleFormWindow("Sales Order").OracleTabbedRegion("Line Items").OracleTextField("Ordered Item").Enter val3 else If j < 16 Then OracleFormWindow("Sales Order").OracleTabbedRegion("Line Items").OracleTextField("Ordered Item_"&i).SetFocus OracleFormWindow("Sales Order").OracleTabbedRegion("Line Items").OracleTextField("Ordered Item_"&i).Enter val3 else If RowCnt1 => 16 Then OracleFormWindow("Sales Order").OracleTabbedRegion("Line Items").OracleTextField("Ordered Item_15").SetFocus OracleFormWindow("Sales Order").OracleTabbedRegion("Line Items").OracleTextField("Ordered Item_15").InvokeSoftkey "DOWN" OracleFormWindow("Sales Order").OracleTabbedRegion("Line Items").OracleTextField("Ordered Item_15").SetFocus OracleFormWindow("Sales Order").OracleTabbedRegion("Line Items").OracleTextField("Ordered Item_15").Enter val3 end if end if End If Next 'EXIT APP msgbox i loop Browser("Browser").Page("Oracle Applications 11i").Sync Browser("Browser").Close ========================================== It isn't working correctly in my nested loop in STEP B (for ISBN). Any ideas?? Thanks! SBsteve


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Hi All, issue is related to handling pop up script generated in IE, and run on mozilla. In App Under Test, when we get the alert pop ups, we just click ok button. if we need to run the same code on mozilla it will not identify . so we will check browser if browser(*).dialog(IE object).exits browser(*).dialog(IE object).winbutton(OK).click else 'by default mozilla browser(*).dialog(mozilla object).page(*).webbutton(OK).CLICK END IF But my qustion is. Do we write the above piece of code where ever we get such kind of pop ups from the application like alert pop up, confirmation pop up.... OR do we have any other alternative way to do this by using any functions in Recovery Scebarios? If Any of u know idea please do help me in this regard. or send answer to kravimb@gmail.com