txtUserID = trim(Request.Form("txtUserID"))
txtPassword = trim(Request.Form("txtPassword"))
txtFName = trim(Request.Form("txtFName"))
txtLName = trim(Request.Form("txtLName"))
txtEmail = trim(Request.Form("txtEmail"))
txtAddrLine1 = trim(Request.Form("txtAddrLine1"))
txtAddrLine2 = trim(Request.Form("txtAddrLine2"))
txtCity = trim(Request.Form("txtCity"))
txtState = trim(Request.Form("txtState"))
txtZip = trim(Request.Form("txtZip"))
txtCountry = trim(Request.Form("txtCountry"))
txtCompanyName = trim(Request.Form("txtCompanyName"))
txtPhone = trim(Request.Form("txtPhone"))
txtFax = trim(Request.Form("txtFax"))
txtBusinessType = trim(Request.Form("txtBusinessType"))
txtAffiliations = trim(Request.Form("txtAffiliations"))
txtAboutUs = trim(Request.Form("txtAboutUs"))

Answer Posted / druva

pls help me whwre is the error its in dis asp.net coding

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