what is descriptive programming in QTP? How can be done?

Answer Posted / ravi

It is something like instructing the QTP to perform
operations on objects without refering to the Object
Repository. To do this we provide QTP with a list of
properties and Values that QTP can use to identify the
Object on which we want to perform the operations.

There are basically 2 ways

1. We can list the set of properties and Values that
describe the object directly in the statement

Propertyname:=Property Value, --------, PropertynameN

2. Using Descriptive Object:

Here we do create a Descrition Object and add the property
name and it's Valuse to the Description Object. We pass
this description object to the QTP statement.

Set < Var name > = DESCRIPTION. CREATE

< Desc OBJ / Var Name >.

- If we want to add more more properties we have the follow
the above
< Desc OBJ / Var Name >.

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