what is the difference between the "protected and default"

Answer Posted / gsk

The access specifier 'protected' can be applied to a class that is a member of an enclosing class, but can not be applied to a local class or a class that is not nested inside another class. Members are accessible only to the class and its subclass(es). Subclass can exists within the same package or any other package.

Accessibility of method or field:
Accessible within the class: Yes
Accessible to subclass within the package: Yes
Accessible to subclass outside the package: Yes
Accessible to any other class within the package: Yes
Accessible to any other class outside the package: Yes

Default (no specifier): We can have a class or method with out specifier. Default members of a class are accessible only to the class and other classes within that package. If we do not set access to specific level, then such a class, method, or field will be accessible from inside the same package to which the class, method, or field belongs, but not from outside this package.

Accessibility of method or field:
Accessible within the class: Yes
Accessible to subclass within the package: Yes
Accessible to subclass outside the package: No
Accessible to any other class within the package: Yes
Accessible to any other class outside the package: Yes

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