Quotation has been created for product-D, 10 quantities,
sales order is created with reference to the quotation,
system copies 10 quantities in sales order. How do you
restrict in sales order end user should not change
quantities, system should not allow for changes by en user?

Answer Posted / wembiri

I totally agree with you. An ABAP programer has to grey
the fields using codes

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Hi Experts, recently i have been facing the questions from Intercompany sales configuration, internet sales orders,Shipment cost configuration, EDI orders......i hv been facing about configuration setting dey r asking frequently......so my humble request u guys pls post d required setting from a-z stepbystep...i know littlebit bt not verysure about the output so am expecting from urs.........dont forget to tell stepby step please........am verythankful if u can guys help me out dis..


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