How is the electronics bank statement gets uploaded in the sap system, how the reconciliation and document posting happens? explain in detail...?

Answer Posted / arun samal

There are different programs to upload electronic bank
FF.5 or FF_5.
I think your case Multicash format you are using.

You need have three files in FF.5 and two files in FF_5

You can prepare a Z program in order to truncate the
electronic bank statement into two or three part files and
save them on the application server.

1. Take all the external codes list from bank.
2. Take any available documentation from the Bank
describing the relevance of the external codes.
3. Make sure that your Chart of Accounts (Bank Accounts)
last digits logic is appropriate to meet the requirements.
4. Based on this decide the Account Symbols that are
required to be created.
5. Make sure that the masking rules are configured properly.
6. Decide the posting rules that needs to be created.
7. Link up your external symbols provided by the bank with
Posting rules and give proper algorithms for posting and
clearing logic.
6. Concentrate on the posting areas to be posted while
uploading the bank statement.

Further explanation would help you to understand the
functionality when uploaded the electronic bank statement.

Main purpose of uploading the bank statement into SAP is to
make your Bank Main Account and physical bank statement
balance in sync.

You do not have any traditional Bank Reconciliation
Statement (BRS) report in SAP.

SAP is normally you maintain bank main account and bank sub
account. Whenever you make a payment through F-53 or F-58
or F110, the entry would be:

Vendor Account Dr
To Bank Sub Account

The ending digits of the sub-account would be important in
configuring the masking rule. Based on this masking rule
when you upload the bank statement the entry the system
would pass is:

Bank Sub Account Dr
To Bank Main Account

It depends on the configuration, either the sub account
will be cleared by the system automatically or you need to
run F.13 to clear the sub accounts.

At the time of receipts, you have different accounting
entries unlike payments. It needs to post to two posting
areas. 1. GL Accounting 2. Sub-Ledger Accounting

The entries would system itself pass is:

Bank Main Account Dr
To Bank Sub Account

Bank Sub Account Dr
To Cutomer account.

Clearing logic mentioned for your posting rules and the
alogrithm used for your external bank symbols will also
play pivotal role in clearing the accounts.

Ideally you will use

FF67 / FF.5 / FF_5 for uploading manual or electronic bank
FEBA / FEBA_BANK_STATEMENT is used for furthe rprocessing.


Please go through SAP Note. 48854. You will get an idea
regarding the functionality of the algorithms.
Though this note is in relevant to GB specific, you will
find this very useful.

description follows below regarding the normal procedure
for maintaining table T028G. Due to the different bank
codes and posting rules, pre-Customizing is not possible at
this point.

The following processing types are available - unless
stated otherwise, you should use the interpretation
algorithm: '000 - No interpretation' in each case.

1. '00': There is no processing. The entry line is ignored.
2. '01': A validation is made whether an entry exists for
the transferred check number in the check table (PAYR). The
check number and payment document number are transferred
for further processing. Interpretation algorithm: outgoing
check processing '011'-'013'; the update in the check file
is via the interpretation algorithm.
3. '02': Transfer of the ending balance to the electronic
bank statement
4. '03': Transfer of the opening balance to the electronic
bank statement
5. '04': Clearing via the allocation number which is
delivered with the bank statement. No interpretation
6. '05': Clearing of BACS payments or BACS bank collection.
The reference text field is first read to ascertain whether
it involves payments initiated by users or bank collection
via BACS. Providing it does involve a cash transaction
initiated by the user, the payment document numbers
concerned are determined via the reference number and
transferred as a reference to further processing.
Interpretation algorithm: '000 - No interpretation'
or '019 - Reference number DME'.

To differentiate between the two procedures in table T028G,
you have to maintain two separate entries.

Example: the bank uses bank code '62' for cash receipts and
for BACS bank collection.

Ext. Transaction +/- sign Posting rule Int. Algorithm
Processing type 62 + GB62 001 5
62 SAPBACS + GB63 000 5

7. '06': Bank costs or interest revenues
Recommended interpretation algorithm: '000 - No
8. '07': Total amount of cash disbursements
9. '08': Total amount of cash receipts
10. '09': Items not paid
Recommended interpretation algorithm: '000 - No

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