What are the various types of accesses that can be allowed
by the SERVREQ option of the DFHFCT?

Answer Posted / rao

Code this to define the types of service request that can
be processed against the file. The parameters that can be
included are as follows:
Records can be added to the file.
Records may be sequentially retrieved from the file.
Records can be retrieved from or added to the file. This
parameter is mandatory if the data set referenced by the
file is a keyed BDAM data set. It must not be coded for
other files.
Records are not to be placed under exclusive control when a
read for update is requested.
If you do not specify NOEXCTL, BDAM exclusive control is
provided by default. This provides integrity in the system.
For BDAM, you may specify LOG=YES with SERVREQ=NOEXCTL.
This requests only a CICS enqueue and suppress the BDAM
exclusive control, thus providing CICS integrity for the
update only until a syncpoint.

Note: The CICS enqueue is at the record level within the
CICS region, and lasts until a syncpoint, whereas the BDAM
exclusive control operates on a physical block, is system-
wide, and lasts only until the update is complete.
Records in this file can be read. READ is assumed, if you
specify BROWSE or UPDATE.
Records in this file can be changed

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