why only usa?plese sent answer this question

Answer Posted / kishor

because usa has always been aland of oportunity as weel as number for higher education, latest tecnology always use and emplemanted.and also american degree is very valuabel in india compair to other country so i can easly proov my self in india.

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

Please tell can I go for VI with only loan amount and scholarship? (Going for MS-EE inNYU-POLY )


i have a low toefl score but i got i20,what should be my answer to f1visa officer.


I completed mca in 2007 and now iam applying ms for spring 2010.If VO asks me abt the gap what would be the best answer help me plzzzzzz


My M1 VISA GOT REJECTED WITHOUT A REASON, I didn't get any slip or letter stating the reason for rejection nor there was any sort of rejection stamp on my passport..I just got my passport back.During the interview the officer just asked my my passport,DS-160 Confirmation page,I-20,SEVIS FEE Confirmation page. thats all...I had my financial statements,school certificates but he didn't ask for any of this..at the end of our conversation I asked him is there any other documents he would like to see..and he said no..I was under the impression my visa will be approved. but then i get my passport without visa. now i dont know whome to ask. I tried sending them emails but no reply. Can I just go and meet them straight or Do I have to pay visa fee again, Do I have fill the DS-160 form all over again? what is the correct procedure. since they haven't told me the reason I am all confused now. please I need your help


please send me visa interview experience question and answers to my mail address sweeti_san@yahoo.co.in


This friday i am going for interview pls anyone help me ..


why this university?


I have got an I-20. But due to some paper problem i am not able to take an interview date for M1 us visa and my i20 is going to expire on 27th July (before i have to report). What should i do now. It will take time to complete my paper work. Should i get new i20 or is there any way to extend it?


I’m Rakesh,presently studying in SRM college(BSc-computer science). My visa got rejected. Here is my case. I completed my 12th grade and I scored 1037 and scored 86 in TOEFL ibt. I did not immediately apply for the USA university,there was a gap of one year,during this one year I’m doing my BSc-computer science in SRM college. I got the I20 from the De anza community college,cupertino,california. I’m going to pursue Computer information system in De anza. The VO asked me that, why am I changing from bsc course? secondly, he asked “why are you going for the 2 year college rather than picking a four year college”? And thirdly,he asked me why dint you apply for the college as soon as you complete your 12th grade? Why are you suddenly discontinuing this college and going for De anza? So let me know the ways to get thru the interview!


i want to know effective answer for why stevens institute of technology, nj?


i have question about 50 mm * 50 mm pic in visa application form... i have pasted pic in which i m having shave... so my question is that does it make difference at the time of interview??? i m bit tensed about it..


hi, i am permananent resident of usa i want to sponser my wife when i get my citizenship which is late 2011(apon advice of lawyer friend) my wife is coming to usa for education(f-1) only thing left in her student visa is her interview all her documents are complete she is coming for 4 year education program. only thing I am worried about is can they deny her visa based on that me(her husband) is in usa. I do know while she is studying in usa and i become citizen and sponser her she does not have to go back to her country even after her visa is expired. if they bring this point up in interview what could they ask and what should be best reply thank you very much


who are your sponsors?


my interview is in few days!if vo ask m y this specfic university??i should tell the features of that university??


Hi Everybody, I'm Vineel From Hyderabad.I've done my B.E. in ECE with 72.3% and 8 backlogs(cleared in final yr) GRE=990 and toefl=86 .I've been rejected US F-1 visa to the SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY, EDWARDSVILLE for MS in EE 3 times in oct,nov,dec 2009 for jan(spring) 2010 admissions in hyderabad. So i'm in dilema to continue and try this time for the Aug(fall) 2010 admissions or not. Pls give ur valuable suggestions or share ur experiences about how should i proceed. thnx in advance :)