Why we are not using subnet mask of class A in class
C?before answering this question, just think upon if we do
this then we don't need to move to IPv6.

Answer Posted / jitendra

Good thought
But soory we can not do this one becoz the ip address is
not like some numric value and numric mask

in ip address each value determine the bit value (please
refefer the ip header topic in the ccna book)

or do one thing please write any ip address in the form of
binary format that is 0 and 1 format from there u will come
to know that why we canot replase the calss a mask with
class c mask

if we will do it then we have to change whole modern
physiss and we have to also devlaop the new binary consepts
and then i have to do engineering again quit impossible.

so we have to look towrds the ipv6
but this is a good thought

jitendra kumar sinha
Cisco system india private ltd

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