Has anybody received joining letter from SBI or Bank of
Baroda. Guys can you please tell me which bank should
prefer. I have been interviewed for Canara Bank as well, is
it a better option than the aforementioned.

Answer Posted / kapil kumar

i am not my joining leeter
my name is kapil kumar
my co no : 9760557295

plese help me

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hai friends this is dhiva kumar i am searching for the bank jod. can any on ecould sugeest me which books are help full to me my email id:shivasherla@gmail.com


difference between private and public bank ?


what is the credit policy or RBI?




I have cleared the UBI clerical xam. interview on May 18th. can anyone know abt how many years it will take to promote or they can allow to write xam for officer grade after entered as clerk in a bank? what are the xams to be wriiten for promotion or name of the xams .


hi...this is mrigendra from delhi,,,,i have already applied for sbi clerk cadre...but my graduation completed in 2012,,,m i existing certification criteria?... any body please if u know ....urgent


me: (may i come in) good evening sirs, good evening mam.(with a smile in face) INT1: ask me to take my seat me: thank you sir Int1: u anitha.....completed MCA me: yes sir int1: k fine. Tell about how you are great? me: (think a while) int1: tell abt ur greatness in MCA....regarding ur project, paper presentations me: Sir, I have to tell abt my project r paper presentation? int1: anyone as u wish me: explain abt my project. int1: (ask some doubts regarding project) me: explained it clearly. int1: what made u to choose this project? me: since there are many hackers....eventhough there are so many technology to restrict it ....i choose this project at my level . int1: ur performance is good anitha me: thank you sir int2: you have mentioned that u have done paper presentations at national level,state level... me: ya...i have done so many but i had mentioned only one which i got prize... int2: k fine. tell me abt that topic. me: explained.... int2 : do u have account? me: ya i have account in SBI int1: in which branch? me: said the branch int2: do u opt for mobile banking facility? me:no i have not applied for that. int2: have u heard that even in SBI we have mobile banking facility? me: s i heard abt that int2: can u say wat it means? me: said abt mobile banking int2: u have mentioned abt NSS....wat have u done there? me: said abt camp, area we participated, theme of that camp, etc int1: good....well said. me: thank you sir. int3: what are the types of network? me: said LAN,WAN like that int1: wats that like tat? me: sry sir, i know only these two int3: can u tell abt tat? me: said abt LAN and WAN int3:what is HUB? me: said clearly abt HUB


i finished my interview on 8th may....... they asked me these questions...... 1)tell me abt urself(I andwered for 2 mins) 2)difference between 2g and 3g(3g is faster than 2g)i forgot to answer that 3g has more bandwidth and it is circuit switched network 3)what is the uniqueness of 500 rupees note (that circle at corner for blind people , wen in light the colour of 500 changes) 4)what is the technology of atm(i dont know) 5)what are the different types of deposits(Recurring and fixed deposits) 6)what is recent hockey tournament going on(this also i dont know) 7)who is leading in recent world chess championship(anand wen i saw but later i dont know who was leading) 8)who is topper in recent IAS exams?(i didnt answer) 9)what u consider as ur life time achievement? the panel was very soft......so no tension...... ALL THE BEST for the rest........


yaarr..if anyone hv sum clue abt d date of SBI CLERICAL INTERVIEW declaration


pass rule of 6th P.c


4 months gone sbi not declaring the results even though they gonna increase the vacancies still some information regarding results should be posted on their site what the hell is this largest public sector bank doing????????


what questions they can ask me from my subjects i interview as i had maths during 10+2 and computer science during graduation?????? my sbi clerical grade interview is on 3 may,,so plz do reply fast


why banking field is better than other field in government sector................reply fast


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