What is the difference between Get and Post Method?

Answer Posted / alok kumar ranjan

Re: What is the difference between Get and Post Method?
Answer: (1). Get is Default Http Method, but in post method
you should specify the post method implicitely as follows:-
<form action=" " method="post"

(2) In Get Method,data is pssed in URL Pattern. But in post
method data is passed with in method body.

(3) In Get Method,Size of URL is limited because of this e
can send only limited amount of data to server using the
get method. But in Post Method,We can send the data
unlimited amount of the data.

(4) Get Method is not secured because data can be seen in
URL. But Post Method is very Secured.

(5) Through Get Method,We can not send data to server But
In POst Method,We send the data to server

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