difference between abstraction and encapsulation with progarammatic eg.
hi,just recently i went for an interview .The interviewer asked what is the difference between abstraction and encapsulation with programmatic eg.
I gave the answer as
encapsulation mean hiding the relevant data which is not useful for the user, eg a electric fan .hiding the information how the electricity is converted into machanical energy.
abtraction showing only the relevant data to the user eg electric fan.
it look ,its color ,it design etc only relevant data.
Then the interviewer asked me, give me some programmic eg .I Said
Let assume a web form having control like textbox,button etc.
The user can view textbox,button etc this is the eg of abstraction
and when the user click on the button how he is redirected is not known by the user is the eg of the encapsulation.
Am I Correct .was the answer given by me is perfect .now i am planing to go for an another interview should i give the same answer.IF not please suggest me a better answer.with some good eg Please help

Answer Posted / sachinmundhra

Your approach is correct. Encapsulation is data hiding and
abstraction is a mechanism acheived by encapsulation.

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