What Are Different Types of Debbugers

Answer Posted / sabyasachi

Visual Debugger allows you to examine code while it is
running and includes features that help you debug
applications, including the following:

Breakpoints: Breakpoints are places in the code where
the debugger will stop the application, allow you to view
the current data state of the application, and then step
through each line of code. For information, see Debugging
Basics: Breakpoints.

Stepping: Once you have stopped at a breakpoint, you
can run the code line by line (known as stepping through the
code). Visual Debugger includes a number of features to help
you step through your code, such as iterators that allow you
to specify how many times to step through a loop before
stopping again. For more information, see Code Stepping

Data Viewing: Visual Debugger gives you many different
options for viewing and tracking data while the application
is running. The debugger allows you to modify the data while
the application is stopped in break mode and then continue
to run the application with the modified data. For more
information, see Viewing Data in the Debugger.

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