Syntax for JCLLIB & JOBLIB???

Answer Posted / suersh ramaiyan

JCLLIB: The PDS, where all the JCL (procedures) are present.
JOBLIB: The PDS, which contains the load modules of the programs.

In a JCL, if we are including any procedures, the system should know where it needs to be searched. That's why we are mentioning JCLLIB.. here is the syntax..

//DDNAME JCLLIB ORDER=(Emer.proclib,prod.proclib)
Where, DDNAME can be anything within 8 chars, JCLLIB & ORDER are the keywords and there is no DISP is needed.

When a program is try to run the system will execute the macro to load the executable code(load module of the program) from the load library to main memory. So we should mention where it should find the same. here is the syntax.....

//JOBLIB DD DSN=emer.loadlib,DISP=SHR
// DD DSN=prod.loadlib,DISP=SHR
// DD DSN=test.loadlib,DISP=SHR

Where, other than the library name, all others are keyworkds.

Please include if I missed anything..

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