int arr[5]={23,67};
Answer Posted / bsn.teja
till array elements are not given any specific values,they
are supposed to contain garbage values.
here we initialised only 1st two elements of the array.
so output will be garbage values.
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You have given 2 array. You need to find whether they will
create the same BST or not.
For example:
Array1:10 5 20 15 30
Array2:10 20 15 30 5
Result: True
Array1:10 5 20 15 30
Array2:10 15 20 30 5
Result: False
One Approach is Pretty Clear by creating BST O(nlogn) then
checking two tree for identical O(N) overall O(nlogn) ..we
need there exist O(N) Time & O(1) Space also without extra
space .Algorithm ??
Posted 3 months ago #
#define true 1
#define false 0
int check(int a1[],int a2[],int n1,int n2)
int i;
//n1 size of array a1[] and n2 size of a2[]
if(n1!=n2) return false;
//n1 and n2 must be same
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