what kind of question asked in clerk interview in
corporation bank and what is the pattern of computer
literacy test.

Answer Posted / subhashish

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Can anyone tell me how can we able to find the requests for mutual transfer from bangalore to andhra pradesh in SBH.is it possible to do this process in a short span of time.


Hi i'm gauri, can any one help me to prepare upcoming bank of maharashtra clerical exam interview. how to prepare for that.


hi,i have selected for sbi interview.do i need to submit the medical fitness certificate and i am not a handicap.


hii i selected for karnataka bank clerks.my interview is 1st june 2011. im frm andhra pradesh.can i get job placement to andhra after finishing the interview.any 1 selected frm andhra plz msg me on 7207655202


what do you mean by globalisation?


Hello guys and gals, Congratulations to those who have passed their exam for SBI clerk 2010. I am also through with the exam and have my interview scheduled on 30th April 2010. Could you people who are having interview before this date let me know the questions asked(after your interview). I am commerce graduate and I will appreciate your help before this date. Thanks and All D Best.


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can anyone please explain whether getting promoted as po through departmental exams is better or directly getting po post through competitive exams while working as a clerk of a bank?


hi any 1 selected frm andhra pradesh to karnataka bank clerks in 2011.my interview is in june.plz msg me on 7207655202/maheshallam10@gmail.com


What was the contraversy of NAval chief on 26/11 Mumabi attack


Hi people. My name is John. First of all i would like to thank you and congratulate you all for the successful completion of the interview and hope that the best man/woman walks away with the job. I post here my request for answers to a few questions related to the interview process. I gave my interview in Delhi on 4th may 2010 at the SBI Learning centre in noida. I would like to know the following: 1: how many centres were there in delhi for the purpose of interview? 2: when was the first and last day (duration) of interview in delhi? 3: were the candidates called according to the merit after the written test or was it alphabetical. if it was neither, then how were they calling the candidates? 4: also what are the chances of a candidate who thinks that the interview did not go according to his plan? There is still hope isn't it? 5: do people "horse trade" vacancies (perfect opportunity for somebody's uncle or someone's greased up mla recommendation for a candidate; since sbi taking this long for a result.)? I definitely hope tht the crpd do us a big favour by releasing the results soon. thanks in advance to all those who are kind enough to rest the ghosts in my mind.


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Hello All, Could any body who had passed his final interview in SBI guide me what sort of questions they use to ask after clearing written exam. Thanks.


how many type of banks there are?


has anyone got selected for sbi associate clerical interview?share ur views...abt date n questions..