How to initialize 20,000 bytes in the Assembler..
Answer Posted / saurabh biswas
To initialize a 20000 byte field you have to use MVCL
instruction. Let's say VAR1 is defined as " VAR1 DS XL20000"
For using MVCL instruction you require two even-odd regiter
pair, even registers will contain the destination and
source address respectively, first odd register will
contain the destination leght and from 2nd to 4th byte of
the second odd register will contain the source length and
the first byte will contain filler(it will come into play
if destination lenghth is shorter than source). Now if we
want to initialize VAR1 with spaces we have to code like
following way:
LA R5,20000
XR R8,R8
XR R9,R9
ICM R9,B'1000',X'40'
Here source length is 0 and destination length is 20000. So
no move ment will occur and all the 20000 byte will be
filled by the filler wich is space here. So as result of
this instruction all 20000 byte will be initialized by
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