what is Mirroring?

Answer Posted / madan

What is Mirroring?

Mirroring is a term used to specify right-to left (RTL) layout, which identifies how text and GDI objects are laid out in a window. Therefore, it gives a perfect right-to-left (RTL) look and feel to the UI. For Windows 98 and Windows Me, this technology was only available on Arabic enabled and localized operating systems. However, on all Windows 2000 varieties and later, are already mirroring aware. Mirroring is in fact nothing else than a coordinate transformation:

The window layout applies to text but also affects the other GDI elements of the window, including bitmaps, icons, the location of the origin, buttons, cascading tree controls, and whether the horizontal coordinate increases as you go left or right. For example, after an application has set RTL layout, the origin is positioned at the right edge of the window or device, and the number representing the horizontal coordinate increases as you move left. However, not all objects are affected by the layout of a window. For example, the layout for dialog boxes, message boxes, and device contexts is not associated with a window. However, changing to a RTL layout is not supported for windows that have the style CS_OWNDC. For a DC with the GM_ADVANCED graphic mode the behavior may be inconsistent with what you need. It reverses text as you would see later.

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