Where do you work now?

Answer Posted / rithi

i am working at the PAS Engineering pvt Ltd as an Engineer

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whether orignial documents such as Income tax returns, Bank Pass Book & Deposit Slips are required to be carried at the time of UK Visa Interview?


hi mate, im a transgender from philippines and i met a guy from uk way back 2010, and he is inviting me to come in uk for 2 weeks, well iam a photographer/ a call center agent, i want to visit uk to see my friend and also for tourism. he said that he will sponsor me everything like accomodation and financial? what question or requirement should i pass to the embassy so i can have a uk tourist visa?will i show my financial status also even if my friend state on his invitation letter that he will provide me everything. please help me...


hi, i have applied fr my uk student visa on 18th august,my querie while application tym i had to show 24060gbp = 1786000,but i showed 18.18 lacs bt nw the pound rate is gone up,@ present fr 24060gbp=1824000,what ll happen to my visa..?


can anyone tell me what's the procedure and eligibility to apply for a working visa in UK?


Is Police Checking Done for getting visa confirmation as that done when we have applied for passport?? If police checking doesnot include personal interview by police officals, then how is police clearance done for getting visa.......... Please reply soon if any one knows


Hi , This is Madhusudan from India. I have applied for HSMP when I was in India(6months back) and I got approval also . Right Now I am in Canada on workpermit for my Company assignment.I have to be here for 1 year 6 months. My HSMP aprroval is valied till Feb2009. Please let me know Is it possible to attend the visa clearence interview in Canada? Please let me know the procedure to attend the interview? Thanks and Regards Madhusudan


i was offered to study in UK. i have all the documents ready for the VISA process. but my IELTS has got expired a month back. are there any chances of rejecting VISA for this reason? ?


hi, i have lost my entry clearence letter, how do i get it back or duplicate? should i found it online? ek


Travel is an important part of the job. 4. Do you have any restrictions on your ability to travel? 5. Do you have responsibilities or commitments that will prevent you from meeting specified work schedules? 6. Do you anticipate any absences from work on a regular basis? If so, please explain the circumstances. 7. Are you over the age of 18? If yes, how old are you? 8. Can you, after employment, provide proof of age? 9. What Specific Job Positions are you applying for? 10. Will you be able to carry out in a safe manner all job assignments necessary for this position? 11. Do you have any language abilities that would be helpful in doing this job? (Legal if language ability is directly relevant to job performance.) 12. Have you ever been convicted of _ crime? (Legal if the crime is reasonably relevant to the job; e.g. embezzlement for a banking job.) 13. Are you available for work on Saturday and Sunday if additional payment is paid to you? 14. Why did you apply for this position? 15. How do you establish a working relationship with new people? 16. Where do YOU want to be 5 years from now? 17. What salary are you seeking? 18. What is your present salary? 19. What is your greatest weakness? 20. How do YOU handle stress?


i lost my refusal letter and how i take back my another copy of refusal letter from uk embassy


can i get visa for free?


Hi,i'm born in Hounslow,London.Ive visited London a few times in my childhood.Now i'm married and have two kids that are born in Pakistan. I want to visit London again with my kids. What are the requirements? Please let me know.


i live in the us,i am an anerican.i would like to go to the u.k and lease a pub.i do not have 50,000 for the entrepreneur or the 1m for theinvestor visa what are some other visas that i can look in to. can i use a workers visa,since i am not buying a pub


Why do you go to uk


This refers to the travel of my son in denmark in which his connecting flight from manila to hongkong then london lastly to denmark. my question is, do we need to secure a transit visa from your office as per advice from the staff of denmark embassy in manila, if so, what are the pertinent documents to be submitted in order for my son and my wife to travel without any delay. My son and my will wife will leave manila on 17 May 2010. Your prompt reply on this request is higly appreciated Thank you! Mabuhay po kayo ! Sincerely yours, Alejo A. Ocampo, Jr, Father of Jerone Ocampo