If there are 1 to 100 numbers in a table and in that 100
numbers some 10 numbers are deleted.I want to find out the
missing numbers between 1 to 100 by pl/sql how?
Answer Posted / neha sinha
create or replace procedure pro1(cur_diff OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) is
OPEN cur_diff FOR
select diff
from (select /*+ no_merge */
rownum as diff
from (select 1 from dual group by cube(1, 1,
1, 1, 1)) a,
(select 1 from dual group by cube(1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1)) b)
where diff >= (select min(lst) from list1)
and diff <= (select max(lst) from list1)
select lst from list1;
end pro1;
-- where list1 is table name and lst is column in which
--some no is missing
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