a man is deaf,dumb,blind and an illiterate.a girl loves him
very much.she wants to xpress her love to him.how she will
xpress her love?

Answer Posted / d.phani kumar.

the man is deaf,dumb,blind and an illiterate.and a girl
loving him..oh what a sweet love.really the girl is
great.but remember the true love never wants kisses or
hugs.it is just a part of love.she should express her
love.by taking care of him.even the man is deaf,dumb,and
blind and illiterate but he a heart.he can understand the
care of girl.he will also love her.by taking care any one
can think. she taking care of me.i even don't know her. she
taking a share of my troubles.only loving one can share
troubles not happiness only.

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