Hi....at present i am pursuing M.B.A III-sem my major is
finance so i want to join SAP(FICO)course...i want to know
which is the best institute in hyderabad and is it the right
time to start the course or joining after getting some real
corporate experiance,is it make much difference in learning

Answer Posted / nani

Dont go for coaching.Learn it from real time peorson.

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

What is integrated planning in co-om-cca? : co- cost center accounting


What is the co reconciliation ledger and when would you typically use it?


Explain the document currency (wrbtr) and local currency fields (debt) when posting a document in sap fi?


What are the types of depreciation methods? : fi- asset accounting


Explain the procurement cycle how it works?


Give me an Example for functional specifications in sap fico


Explain about the tax reports in sap?


What is an automatic posting? : fi- general ledger


What is activity-based costing? : co- general controlling


HELLO, I have a doubt in FI Asset Accounting. On 01.04.2010 I capitalized the asset (Furniture & Fixture) and purchase on 01.04.2010  (Document date & Posting Date) worth Rs.10000/-  (ASSET Acquisition Value) , I charged depreciation 10% up to 6 months with WDV method. After 6 month the value of asset is Rs.9500/-. Now I want to sell the asset of Rs.9000. When I done the same instead of showing the loss on sale of asset of Rs.500/-, its showing Rs. 1000/- on loss on sell of asset. WHY SO…… PLEASE SUGGEST I AM CONFUSED, IS THERE SOMETHING MISSING IN CLIEN 800? OR IT MY MISTAKE IN G/L ASSIGNING IN T.CODE: AO90


What is a 'value field' in the co-pa module?


what is t-code for co-pa? : co-pa


What is the difference between business area and profit center?


What is a request for quotation (rfq)? : fi- accounts payable


Outline automatic transfer of old assets? : fi- asset accounting