there is a product table

prodid prodname price

100 cinthol 10

101 hamam 10

102 neem 20

103 cake 30

in the above table the price of some products are
duplicated and some product prices are distinct we want to
push the duplicated prices to one target and non-duplicated
prices to other target without using expression and
sequence generator transformation

Answer Posted / akash

This requirement can be met by using an aggregator and then
a router.

In the aggregator use grouping on key fields if key
repetition is to be tested. For Ex:
100 cinthol 10
100 dettol 20

If whole record should be duplicated like:
100 cinthol 10
100 cinthol 10

use group by on all fields and take records count for each

In router use condition:
If record count > 1 send records to duplicate target.
Default can be sent to other target.

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