what is difference b/w extern & volatile variable??

Answer Posted / antonio leite

extern states that a variable is referenced in a module but
is declared in another module. This makes the linker not
generate an error/warning when the extern variable is
referenced but wait till the declaration is stated in a
volatile states that the value of a variable can be changed
anywhere in the code. This is used by the optimizer to know
that a piece of code must not be optimized when a volatile
variable is found. For example, when a variable is changed
by a interrupt timer it must be declared volatile. The code
seems to be always true because Timer_xpto seems to be
always > 0. If the code is optimized, the if would simply
disapper from the code, but this is not what the programmer
wants, so declare
extern volatile unsigned long Timer_xpto;
so that the compiler will never optimize the code below.

Timer_xpto = 100;
do something
if (Timer_xpto > 0 )
do any other thing

Here extern is stating that the variable is declared in
other module and volatile that the code where the
Timer_xpto appears must not be optimized.
See http://www.eetimes.com/discussion/programming-

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