Answer Posted / sekharsapcrm26
HI ,
SAP CRM Market is HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But you should be familer with all the concepts.
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Hi this is rajeev hre i m gng to complete SAP CRM TRAININNG BASE CUSTOMIZATION + SALES. m i eligible to get a job or i will have to do other modules like marketing & CIC. PLZ tell in which can i get gd break. m having 2 yrs of EXPNCE as NAVISION CONSULTANT & rt now m not getting calls on this so i shifted to SAP CRM .WAT R POSIIBLITIES . PLZ SUJJEST & SEND INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AT,931564306 . m in delhi
Can we get price for the products by maintaining condition types in crm without connecting to ipc?
sir this is sudheer.would u pls send interview questions along with answers.pls feel as u r brother.pls send to this
Dear Team, I am raju, want to know what exactly what need to be explained to the interviewer about the business process,whether its our company business process or the client business process?
What is your service life-cycle?
How crm can handle e-mails from customers?
How are model access classes assigned?
What is an opportunity?
In sap crm, what is the action profile?
What do you mean by product catalog?
Explain how crm can be helpful in handling emails from customers?
List the tools are available to import/export data from a crm system?
Q explain the following ? a. multiple wave campaign b. recurring campaign c. event triggered campaign
1Q.What is importance of sap bi with crm? 2Q. Why do we require marketing analytics
Is it possible to integrate crm with social networking sites?