your saddest moment of life?

Answer Posted / ashish nauriyal

@Arvind: I would second your thought. I got 83% in 10th
class. In 11th, I got 59%..That was THE saddest moment for
me I would die the next minute. I couldn't face anyone.

Then I went into College..There I got 1
Re/Supplementary/Back (watever you call it) in 3rd sem..then
I got 2 Backs in 4th sem..that time I was like silent !!.. I
was soooo sad..!!

Then moved on.. then break-ups n all happened.. those were
THE saddest moments..

So things change as you move on in life..and your priorities
change. This, in turn, decides what will make you very sad
or very happy.

So, if you want to tell a specific moment, then tell a
latest one (at least to be true..bcz u can't be sad bcz u
stuck in 1 subject in 1st sem...!!.. that was years ago !!)..

Jai Hind.

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