hi,dis is kumari.I'm searhing on cognos.1 want realtime
scenarios with solutions.persons having hands on experience
in real time plz help me out.
my mail-id is vicky_ceti@yahoo.co.in
hope u will respond as soon as possible.
thank u in advance

Answer Posted / joshendra

hai friends,kumari, jeevan, shart,
hi,dis is joshendra.I'm searhing on cognos.1 want realtime
scenarios with solutions.persons having hands on experience
in real time plz help me.
my mail-id is rayudu.mjn@gmail.com
hope u will respond as soon as possible.
thank u in advance.
plz help me guys

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What are all the components of Report Studio?


what are all the versions of cognos and cognos8 as well as mention all the advantages nd disadvantages in cognos8 versions. any one plz answer this question.


What is difference between page break and section report? What is main advantage datawarehousing over oracle?


Can you define query studio?


Diff b/w Crossproduct and Outerjoin?


how you provide security to reports? How you provide security to packages ?


what is the difference between list report and crosstab report?


1. We have been asked to add summary information to sales reprasentatives performance report. The report needs to be grouped by country and city to compare performance between areas Also we need to include revenue totals for each city and each country.


What are all the advantages of Cognos?


how many reports do u create in ur project?i don't have real time exp..tell me based on ur exp..for interview pt of view,don't say it depends on ur project and u? thanks in advance..


What are products of cognos?


actually 2 members working in same module.at a time is possible to work on same module? i add some tables,another person also add some tables how the synchronization betn the two in same module? pls ans me and expain to me.....


Hi, I have Cognos 7.0 Impromptu reports and these reports have been created with the Mainframe datasource. Now the business needs these reports should be upgraded but with Oracle datasource. So what's the idea, first we should migrate these reports into ReportNet? then in that case what we will do with the Impromptu Catalog? Second, suppose we need to migrate these reports into Cognos 8 (may be 8.4) then how we will do that? do we need to create a FM Model for these reports. Please advice!


What are the components of report net?


10. How many queries did you use in the complex reports? 11. How will you use the joins in the queries used in your report? 12. How many reports did you create in your project? 13. How many cubes did you create in your project? 14. How will you create .iqd file in FM. 15. Was your package multilingual or single language? 16. If you have created a single language package…and you have a client who need to access that in other language…how will you do that? 17. How many dimensions and facts did you use in your reports? 18. How will you use your package in Analysis studio? 19. Something like types of files in power play like pyi..i don’t remember this question. 20. If you want to create a prompt with 4 list, not containing any value using value prompt, which when we will see in the run time…if we will select any list, it should show us the data related to that list. 21. What all kind of packages you can create using FM. 22. In your project was your cube a relational or multidimensional? 23. I replied MD for the above question then they asked why did you use that? 24. How do you publish a cube? 25. Slicer and dicer….its use…where is it used? 26. Bursting…. 27. How many types of query subjects are there? 28. Difference between before and after aggregation?