What is RunTime Polymorphism?

Answer Posted / ansar hussain.m

Polymorphism means one object behaving as multiple forms.
simple one in many forms .
there are two types of poly morphism
1) compile time
2) runtime

1)compile time:
overloading a method , constructor , operator etc.. comes under compile time polymorphism because compiler checks the type and number of parameters passed on to the method and decides which method to call at the compile time itself and it will give an error if there are no method that matches the method signature of the method that is called at the compile time itself

2) runtime polymorphism:

overriding comes under runtime polymorphism because the compiler would not be aware of the method is available for overriding the functionality or not. so compiler would not give any error at compile time. At runtime it will be decided which method to call. and if there is no method at runtime it will give an error

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