what r callable statement and give their proper use
Answer Posted / qamrun nisa
CallableStatement is invoked to call stored procedure.
The basic steps are:
1. Invoke the Connection.prepareCall method to create a
CallableStatement object.
2. Invoke the CallableStatement.setXXX methods to pass
values to the input (IN) parameters.
3. Invoke the CallableStatement.registerOutParameter
method to indicate which parameters are output-only (OUT)
parameters, or input and output (INOUT) parameters.
4. Invoke one of the following methods to call the stored
Invoke this method if the stored procedure does
not return result sets.
Invoke this method if the stored procedure returns
one result set.
Invoke this method if the stored procedure returns
multiple result sets.
5. If the stored procedure returns result sets, retrieve
the result sets. See Retrieve multiple result sets from a
stored procedure in a JDBC application.
6. Invoke the CallableStatement.getXXX methods to
retrieve values from the OUT parameters or INOUT parameters.
7. Invoke the CallableStatement.close method to close the
CallableStatement object when you have finished using that
The following code illustrates calling a stored procedure
that has one input parameter, four output parameters, and no
returned ResultSets. The numbers to the right of selected
statements correspond to the previously-described steps.
int ifcaret;
int ifcareas;
int xsbytes;
String errbuff;
Connection con;
CallableStatement cstmt;
ResultSet rs;
cstmt = con.prepareCall("CALL DSN8.DSN8ED2(?,?,?,?,?)");
// Create a
CallableStatement object
cstmt.setString (1, "DISPLAY THREAD(*)");
// Set input parameter
(DB2 command)
cstmt.registerOutParameter (2, Types.INTEGER);
// Register output parameters
cstmt.registerOutParameter (3, Types.INTEGER);
cstmt.registerOutParameter (4, Types.INTEGER);
cstmt.registerOutParameter (5, Types.VARCHAR);
cstmt.executeUpdate(); // Call the stored
procedure 4
ifcaret = cstmt.getInt(2); // Get the output
parameter values 6
ifcareas = cstmt.getInt(3);
xsbytes = cstmt.getInt(4);
errbuff = cstmt.getString(5);
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