Suggest book for BANK PO EXAM?WHA is the salary of PO?

Answer Posted / naresh

it might be appx 20, depends on the are where you are

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for those already workin as po wat to do if noc cannot be produced in sbi po interview


Hi, myself Garima,i have been shortlisted for the OBC PO interview,how to prepare for it ,if someone has cleared any such interview kindly share your experiences and give useful suggestions...............


please mail me the frequent questions asked at the time of den bank interview.


assets and liailitie, bank duties, ombudsman, contingent liability


hi.......i have attempted syndicate bank po exam on 29.08.10.i have done 80% in apps,reason,computer,english.i have done only 50% in general awareness?Is it enough to clear the exam


sir i have cleared the written test of ibps held for the post of po. but i have not recieved my score card due to insufficient address. i called ibps office and they told that they will send the score card again but till now they havnt informed me again. are there are any chances of getting the score card back??


What is the role of RBI ?


hi frns please tell how to prepare for syndiacate bank asst manager exam .


Hello sir/madam... I'm one of the selected candidate among recently held Postal Assistance Cadre.. I have been selected for the postal branch SBCO (Savings bank Control Office)... I wanted to know about the sort of work assigned to us in this post and also I have one more query. As the selection for above mentioned post is done on the basis of II PU eligibility, will I be able to apply for higher posts as a part of departmental exams?? Because I have finished my engineering Graduation in Computer Science.. Is there any higher posts which suits for my knowledge base....?? Please help me out with my questions.. It will be very helpful for me...


Hii I HV been selected for federal manipal gd n interview how shall I prepare.. Pls help me!


hi i m Kirti kumar have been selected in written in IDBI for post of AGM please if someone have idea post question on my email- or contact me on - 9582955061


Is an RBI Grade B officer likely to be transferred once he is allocated a position at one of the RBI branches? I am currently a PO in SBI. Compared to that, can you kindly inform me: 1) Is the chance to be allocated to your home state more in RBI? 2)Is an RBI Grade B officer likely to be transferred once he is allocated a position at one of the RBI branches? 3) Is the salary,job satisfaction, comparable workload, pension etc substantially better in RBI than in SBI? I can't find reliable information on this anywhere. Kindly enlighten me if possible.


hi,, i have been selected for idbi assitant manager written..cld anybody help me out..that on which part shld i do i concentrate,,


hi iam narendra . please send me ing vysya bank & axis bank 'po's interveiw questions with answers . my email id is


if anyone has already given gd & pi of sbi po, could u please send some information about gd topics to my email id