Explain the Dispersal of seeds and Fruits ?

Answer Posted / vishva

1)Fruits and seed dispersed by wind :- There are number of
adaptations e.g. wings, pappus, hairs etc.. Which help the
seeds and fruits to be dispersed by wind to longer or
shorter distances.
(2) Seeds and fruits dispersed by water :- In certain fruits
and seeds have floating devices which help them to be
carried away by water here and there. The fibrous fruit of
coconut is capable of floating long distances in sea without
suffering any injury. Lotus also floats on the surface of
water and moved here and there by wind or water current.
(3)Explosive fruits dispersed fruits:- Some of the seeds are
scattered on all the sides when some of fruits burst with a
sudden jerk examples are jasmine. Coster etc..
(4)Fruits and seeds dispersed by Animals:- Some fruits and
seeds stick to the body of wooly animals or even to clothing
of mankind because these fruits are provided with hooks,
harbs stiff hairs and sticky glands on their surface e.g.
fruit of anthium or urena are covered with number of hooks
(5)Some birds, squirrels and human being are also useful
agents in dispersing the seeds and fruits to wider areas.

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