input:- 12233344445555566666...
output:- 1=1,2=4,3=9...
Here firstno i.e 1 should be displayed and after that the
alikeno.s should be added n displayed.i.e 2+2=4 like tat it

Answer Posted / veena (ibm)

identification division.
program-id. calculationprg.
data division.
working-storage section.

01 ws-num.
02 ws-num1 occurs n times.
03 ws-num2 pic 9(2).

01 ws-result.
02 ws-result1 occurs n times.
03 ws-result2 pic 9(2).

01 ws-calc.
02 ws-calc1 occurs n times.
03 ws-calc2 pic 9(2).
03 ws-times pic 9(2).

05 n pic 9(2) val zero.
05 ws-count pic 9(2).
05 ws-num3 pic 9(2).

Procedure division.

display 'enter the length of number you want to input'
accept n.

display 'enter the input'
perform n times
accept ws-num2(ws-count)
display 'enter next number'
ws-count = ws-count+1

initialise ws-count.

perform n times
ws-count = ws-count + 1
ws-num3 = ws-num2(ws-count)
if ws-calc2(ws-count) = ws-num3
ws-times(ws-count) = ws-times(ws-count) + 1
ws-calc2(ws-count) = ws-num3
ws-times(ws-count) = 1
initialise ws-count.
perform n times
ws-count = ws-count + 1
ws-result2(ws-count) = ws-calc2(ws-count) * ws-times(ws-

initialise ws-count.
perform n times
ws-count = ws-count + 1
display ws-result2(ws-count)

similarly other calculation can be performed.

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