How can we check whether a particular sheet loaded (existed)
or not in Data Table.

Answer Posted / ramana vanteru

For the above answers, i would like to add somemore info,
In datatable, after adding a sheet, we can get the sheet
count with the following script..

Ex: datatable.addsheet("New_sheet")
msgbox datatable.getsheetcount

Note: "getsheetcount" will give us the no.of sheets present
in the datatable.

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For the below written code , i want to be stop the loop (ex:10 times), but it is focusing to first line of the code & generating error. vbwindow("vbname:=frmMain").Type micAltDwn + "6" + "2" + "D" +micAltUp 'wiil open the particular window in application vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").vbbutton("vbname:=cmdNew").Click DataTable.ImportSheet"F:\QTP VBScript\Form 26-1.xls","Deduction",Global RowCount = DataTable.GetSheet("Global").GetRowCount i=RowCount For j =1 to i 'vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").WinObject("nativeclass:=DataComboWndClass","abs_y:= 187").Type DataTable("Name", dtGlobalSheet) vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").ActiveX("acx_name:=DataCombo","abs_y:= 187").Type DataTable("Name", dtGlobalSheet) vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").ActiveX("acx_name:=DataCombo","abs_y:= 187").Type micF4 vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").ActiveX("acx_name:=DataCombo","abs_y:= 187").Type micTab vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").ActiveX("acx_name:=DataCombo","abs_y:= 216").Type micF4 vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").ActiveX("acx_name:=DataCombo","abs_y:= 216").Type DataTable("Section", dtGlobalSheet) vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").ActiveX("acx_name:=DataCombo","abs_y:= 216").Type micTab vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").VbEdit("vbname:=txtAmtOfPay").Set DataTable("Amount_of_Payment", dtGlobalSheet) vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").VbEdit("vbname:=txtAmtPaidDate").Set DataTable("Amount_PaidCredited_Date", dtGlobalSheet) vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").VbEdit("vbname:=txtAmtPaidDate").Type micTab vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").ActiveX("acx_name:=DataCombo","abs_y:= 316").Type micF4 vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").ActiveX("acx_name:=DataCombo","abs_y:= 316").Type DataTable("Deduction_is", dtGlobalSheet) vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").ActiveX("acx_name:=DataCombo","abs_y:= 316").Type micTab vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").VbButton("vbname:=cmdSave").Click DataTable.SetNextRow Next vbwindow("vbname:=frmDeduction").VbButton("vbname:=cmdClose").Click


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