Who needs a key pair ?

Answer Posted / ramkumar

Anyone who wishes to sign messages or to receive encrypted
messages must have a key pair. People may have more than
one key pair. In fact, it is advisable to use separate key
pairs for signing messages and receiving encrypted
messages. As another example, someone might have a key pair
affiliated with his or her work and a separate key pair for
personal use. Other entities may also have key pairs,
including electronic entities such as modems, workstations,
web servers (web sites) and printers, as well as
organizational entities such as a corporate department, a
hotel registration desk, or a university registrar's
office. Key pairs allow people and other entities to
authenticate (see Question 2.2.2) and encrypt messages.

Corporations may require more than one key pair for
communication. They may use one or more key pairs for
encryption (with the keys stored under key escrow to
safeguard the key in event of loss) and use a single non-
escrowed key pair for authentication. The lengths of the
encryption and authentication key pairs may be varied
according to the desired security.

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