Hi SD Gurus,Have you worked on Variant Configuration? If so
explain about the steps involved in Variant Configuration? I
have been asked this question in a recent interview. Please
answer to this question asap....
Answer Posted / uttam
# Create a Material - KMAT type with Item category (002)
# Create Charateristics in CT04 - Zbike, where in values
mention the Color of the bile like Red, Blue etc
# Create another characteristics in CT04 - ZPrice, where
directly go the additional data tab and maintain the table
SDCOM and field VKOND (ABAP Dictionary it will ask for)
# Assign these two characteristics to a Class in CL01 -
ZBikeclass ( Type 300) in characteristics tab page.
# Then go to CU41 Configuration profile select the material
and enter the description click on the class assignment ie
assign Zbikclass.
# Now go back to CT04 - enter Zbike -go to values- select
Red- go to extras - Other Dependencies - Select Procedure
enter in front 10 write - $self.ZPrice='Red' and save
# Now go back go to extras - Other Dependencies -
assignments and assign relationship ( by default it will
come just save)
# Now select Blue- go to extras - Other Dependencies -
Editor - Select Procedure enter in front of 10 write -
$self.ZPrice='Blue' and save
# Now go back go to extras - Other Dependencies -
assignments and assign relationship ( by default it will
come just save)
# Now go to VK11 - Enter VA00 (Condition)(For Std RVA001
Pricing Procedure) - enter variant Red and Blue give the
rates accordingly and create the sales order.
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