hai,iam jyothi worked as software engineer trainee in MNC
and applied for syndicate bank po2009 selections.iam doing
my B.Tech(IT) with 83%. can i selected in this selections.I
want exact reply for this question as early as possible.

Answer Posted / vishal sonwane

graduation doesnt make any difference in po exam,what
matter is the speed in written test...i face 2 intw of bank
po one was in IOB and 2nd in allahabad bank last month...i
have dont my BE in 2007 and then MBA(marketing),

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

hi i m Kirti kumar have been selected in written in IDBI for post of AGM please if someone have idea post question on my email- deepak85.1986@gmail.com or contact me on - 9582955061


what does mean of npa in banking sector


Can Any one tell me the Interview questions for Bank PO? My qualification is MCA.


what is the best book for bank po exam


how to crack bank po written exam?


hi friends Any one has given LIC Assistant Exam Previously which was held on 2009?Is there any negative marking? Please answer this question those who have given this exam.


could you please suggest me the book for bank PO's especially for reserve bank of INDIA


Hi i am priya i have applied karnataka bank Po officers exam let me know what is the syllabus for that exam if anyone attended send me the pattern.


hi i want to know the model papers for bank exams clerical cader.


Is there a GD in Central bank of India PO.Please do reply??


hi.i m yasmin ,i ve been selected for sbi associate and my gd+interview in on 27th july... can any1 help me by answering some of my queries... i m a b.com graduate and i want to know about the interview questionnaire..besides i too want to know about the gd topics, if any1 can tell me what kind of topics they give in gd.. i ll b really grateful to them..thax..my mail id is.. jasmin_intouch@yahoo.co.in


if anybody has any idea regarding pnb it officer banking domain interview please share.their criteria was graduation +1yr experience in finacle.it is very difficult to guess.also a total of 1585 names are shortlisted for just 227 posts.if anybody has any information regarding increase in no of vaccancies please inform me @ suswjj@yahoo.co.in


Hi I got selected for ICICI PO INTERVIEW(1/3/11) Pls Help me what kind of Questions i may face. I completed MCA. "How can I survive well in Business field?" pls guide me for answering this Question....Thanks in advance


questions when did u finish ur Postgrad what did u do in the gap (2005-2010) what subjects did you study in management tell me something about ur project what are ur recommendations what is tqm what is quality circle what is 360 degree appraisal what are mummies in india do they mummify some teachings of swami vivekanada u did management then y look out to work with bank what is warli painting… (something about my hobbies)\ some questions about my state – who is ruling party in kerala, how many mps are in kerala, who is the chief minister? How many members in lok sabha a rajya sabha? How many members are nominated by president in RS? What is sin 20, sin 60, sin90? What is a set What is null set What is disjoint set?


i am preparing for BOB PO exam.......so i need last five year question paper with solved answers.also tell how to prepre for exam....and also suggest the material for PO exam...kindly send it to my id:kowsi_tech@yahoo.com.kindly send it as soon as possible..