can any one give the format of writing test cases in excel

Answer Posted / sivaperumal.r



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Can any one please give me a test case for transaction of money thro' mobile phones. I really need it soon. i need the test case in ieee format.please anyone help me.


# A large IT company is in the process of revising salary structure for its employees. The salary will be on the basis of assessed performance of the previous year for all employee who have completed six months or more. # The rules for salary revision are provided below :- Performance level 1 : Increase existing salary by 30% Performance level 2 : Increase existing salary by 20% Performance level 3 : Increase existing salary by 10% Performance level 4 : Increase existing salary by 5% Performance level 5 : No Increase # For those who have not completed six months, provide a flat increase of 7.5% in their salary. In addition to above provide a special loyalty allowance of Tk. 800 to all employees who have complete THREE years with the organization. # Compute the minimum number of paths that you would require to cover the application and how many test cases would you require?


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consider a program module that inputs two (2) values, n and max, and computes the sum of the first n integers as long as this sum is less than max; otherwise an error should be reported. if n is negative, then it takes the absolute value. a) list the equivalence partitions, and b) list the boundary values.


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