difference between structure and union.

Answer Posted / siva sankari

struct employee
int a[20];// for tis size 20 was allocated in memory
char text;// for tis only 1byte of memory space is allocated
so totally 21 in size was allocated in memory space

union employee
int a[20];// for tis size 20 was allocated in memory
char text;// for tis only 1byte of memory space is allocated
but in union it takes only the maximum memory space so for each 20space totally 40 size was allocated in memory space

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#include #include #include #include void insert(struct btreenode **, int); void inorder(struct btreenode *); struct btreenode { struct btreenode *leftchild; struct btreenode *rightchild; int data; }; main() { struct btreenode *bt; bt=(struct btreenode *)NULL; int req,i=1,num; clrscr(); printf("Enter number of nodes"); scanf("%d",&req); while(i<=req) { printf("Enter element"); scanf("%d",&num); insert(&bt,num); i++; } inorder(bt); } void insert(struct btreenode **sr, int num) { if(*sr==NULL) { *sr=(struct btreenode *)malloc (sizeof(struct btreenode)); (*sr)->leftchild=(struct btreenode *)NULL; (*sr)->rightchild=(struct btreenode *)NULL; (*sr)->data=num; return; } else { if(num < (*sr)->data) insert(&(*sr)->leftchild,num); else insert(&(*sr)->rightchild,num); } return; } void inorder(struct btreenode *sr) { if(sr!=(struct btreenode *)NULL) { inorder(sr->leftchild); printf("\n %d",sr->data); inorder(sr->rightchild); } else return; } please Modify the given program and add two methods for post order and pre order traversals.


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