What is TPM ?

Answer Posted / roy chanth.b.g

TPM is Trade Promotions Mgmt.
The Consumer Sector application products are Siebel
eConsumer Goods, Siebel
eApparel and Footwear, and Siebel eRetail. The reference
pdf is

There are three kinds of promotions: corporate promotions,
promotions, and account promotions.

Corporate promotions:

are company-wide promotions of a product or a brand in
which accounts can
participate. They are run for a specific time period and
contain the
objective of the promotion, suggested tactics, and other
information. For
example, a beverage company decides to promote a new
product by running a
corporate promotion with the recommended tactics of a
temporary price
reduction (TPR) and in-store displays.

Discretionary promotions :

are promotion templates that can serve as the basis of an
account promotion. After a discretionary promotion has been
created, it is
saved as a template. Other key account managers can use
templates of
existing promotions when establishing promotions at their

Account promotions :

can be based on a corporate promotion or a discretionary
promotion. A plan is a group of account promotions that
depicts the
aggregate results of account promotions, such as spending
and volume.

Configuring and managing these activities forms TPM.

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