what type of post's in the group1 and group2?

Answer Posted / karthik reddy lekkala

this services is very greatful&do the service for people.in
group1 DSP,dy.collector,R.T.O in high position&in group2 is
similar and junior to group1.

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hi plz tell me 26/9/2011 group 1 paper 1 easy or tuf


I am studying 3rd B.TECH and I want to know that if I can write group-I exams now this year? if u want to answer me please mail me to yamini_b@yahoo.com


sir, how can i prepare the appsc exams ..order of that pattren..


please let me know the minimum qualifying marks in screening test of group1 2010 to be eligible for group1 main exam.


which is the best coaching centre for appsc group 1 prelims


are mbbs students eligible for group 1exam during their internship after completing final year


when will be group 1 preliminary exam conduct and which type of preparation required , give some suggested readings ?


Hi i am selected for sbi clerical intw. i am BE (E n TC) graduate. do anyone have idea what kind of questions are asked to an engg graduate on academics?? thx


Hi Friends, This is Prasad. I have applied for Group1 exam. I filled the Application form. But I lost the copy of that Application form. Can Any one help me, how to get that filled form. Please help in this.


hello...i'm interested in writing group-1...can we have optional subjects for the exam...if so,which subjects can i choose???i'm interested in science but a bit poor in mathematics...can anyone tell where can i get the material to prepare for prelims...and how to plan for preparation....


hi,i am persuing b.tech final year which completes in may 2011.am i eligible to write group 1 this year.else which year can i write group 1 exam.thanks in advance


hi. can any one tell me now i am govt emp,age 29 years i am very interest in group-1, i wont to know the age limit and how many attempt?


sir iam from khammam i completed my b.tec ECE from JNTU college of engineering pulivendula . And now i want to take groups coaching in HYDERABAD. can u suggest me one good coaching centre for me, and i want to stay in hostel so i should hav ostel facility nearby


what is de percentage required to qualify in group 1 prelims and mains?


hi! can anyone of u send me the previous model papers of group1 mains which were given in 2008 notification brochure