why are u go to usa?

Answer Posted / riddhi

TO pursue my master in.......(ur subject).....with the focus
on_______(specialised subject)

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

How many siblings do you have? Your relation with them? How will they manage without you? What do they do?


Am I gonna face some problems with VO, as I have some backlogs during my engineering, but I completed it within 4 years with 65% aggregate. My GRE score is 1320 and TOEFL score is 95. Please also tell me the exact way to count the backlogs.


I have got rejected my visa after issuing it the next day.bcoz they found my toefl test as fake.they took my toefl test score card and made me to write a letter of agreeing this misrepresentation of document.they have returned my passport by putting a cancelled stamp on issued visa stamp.can i have any chances to get visa again with genuine test score card.


what will you do after completiing your MS?


What are the requirement for usa student visa


hi im afreen rafee i got the usa f1 visa on july 19 2010..nw i want to take my baby along with me ..i got my baby i20 as well as my exentension i20 ..i just want to knw if i wont convice vo wil they reject my visa???plz reply soon early reply will b appreciated . visa once given can it b rejected?


I am currently working with well known US based MNC since last 3 years but I want to pursue my masters. I have got an admit from MST,rolla (US) for this fall semester and I am planning to appear visa interview this monthend. My doubts are, 1) What questions would VO ask me? 2)I was rejected a business visa (B1) in april '11 (first rejection) will it affect F1 visa? 3)what if F1 visa got rejected this time? can i reapply immediately? 4)what are the rules if US visa got rejected twice? Someone please help me. I am pretty much concerned about VISA.


Why don't you study this subject(masters in international finance)in Your country or in other country?


my interview is on 30th july and i have not yet recieved my toefl score report so can i use printed copy of score report which is shown in my toefl account?


hi, i got my visa rejected bcos of fake documents(financial and experience)... my consultancy opened an account and deposited the amount till my visa interview....and the consulate found it out and i was rejected the f1 visa...i attempted twice again but in vain. so i deffered my admission and i have been issued a fresh i20 and also availed loan from bank...so planning to apply for visa but could u please help me out about whether i can get the visa after all that happened and if yes can u give me few tips


what is your plan after graduation for business administration major?


Hi All, I had already masters from USA and did work on H1B for 2.5 years. But I want to do one more Masters and I have the I20. Please suggest me how to answer if the officer asks about my H1B?


why are you changing your stream from ece to computer science?


i lceared my high school in 2009-10 session then in december 2009 i aplies for f-1 visa of US n i was rejected,my score in toefl was 77 at dat tym.....den i applied again n was rejected. den i took my tym gave TOEFL again n updated my score to 85 n dis tym round i have also taken SAT test my result is pendind till 20th may. n dis tym i have applied to d same university n i got 50%scholarship as well....but i m really very nervous on giving my visa interview 3rd tym dont know wat will happen.....plz help me wid dis.....wat que. would dey ask me dis tym....n wat changes should i bring????plz help me


I have done my B tech in civil engineering in 2005 and since then i m working in same profession as a designer as well as project manager.i wanted to go for higher studies in between but my finances did not allow me.SO now i Got admission from NDSU ,Fargo. Got my i-20 also. They did not require GRE but i gave and got less marks.I don't want to show Marks as its very less marks and can be negative effect....can I go without GRE marks..? Also for I-20, i showed 70% my finances and 30 percent my friend who is working in USA has shown as a sponsor...but now i have arranged the money from bank as a education loan.so will they accept that..?if not what document i have to show of my sponsor.