What are the OOPS concepts?

Answer Posted / m@@hi agrawal

1.object-objects are basic runtime entity which shows the
behavior of the class.an object has state,behaviour,identity
.in other words "object is known as instance of class".
2.class-a class is collection of objects of similar types.
3.data abstraction-it is a collection of data that describes
a data object.
4.encapsulation-the wrapping of data into a single
unit(called class)known as encapsulation.
5.inheritance-inheritance is the process of creating new
classes (derived class)from base class.
6.polymorphism-it means ability to take more than one
form.i.e. it meanse "many forms".
7.dynamic binding-in dynamic binding,events occur at the run
time.in such function calls the complete address information
is known only at run time.it is known as dynamic binding
because the selection of the apporiate function is done
dynamically at run time.
8.message passing-an object oriented program consist of a
set of object that communicate each other.objects
communicate with one another by receiving & sending
information much the same way as people pass messages to one

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