what happen in object repository(shared)if we call an
existing action from an external action ? and what happen
in object repository(peraction)if we call an existing
action from an external action ?

Answer Posted / uday kumar_anem

If the calling test uses a per Action Object Repository,
1. QTP cannot call Actions that use a shared Object

2. QTP can call Actions that use a per Action Object
Repository, but it will be read-only.

3. QTP can call copy Actions that use a per Action Object

4. QTP cannot copy Actions that use a shared Object

If the calling test uses a shared Object Repository, then:

1. QTP can call Actions that use the same shared Object
Repository as the calling test.

2. QTP can call Actions that use per Action Object
You can instruct the external Action to refer to its own
Action repository or to use the same shared Object
Repository as the calling test. You do this in the External
Action tab of the Action Properties dialog box.

3. QTP can call Actions that use a different shared Object
Repository than the one used by the calling test.
The called Action will use the calling test's shared Object

4. QTP can copy Actions that use shared or per Action
Object Repositories.

QTP only copies in the Action, not its corresponding Object

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