what is performance tunning in BO in report level& designer
Answer Posted / guest
Analyze Report SQL for unnecessary Joins
1. First get the list of reports which are performing low
and get their SQL.
2. Analyze the report SQL for joins. There could be
unnecessary join which is causing query to perform low.
make a change in your universe accordingly to generate
query with optimized joins.
Analyze report Query for Indexes.
1. Get the report SQL , check the where clause
2. Check if indexes are user properly in SQL and also they
exist in database
Use Aggregates for measures
1. Use Aggregate aware for your measure objects to use
summary tables form Database
Use Partitions for high volume fact tables
1. Partitioning the fact table can boost your query
Array Fetch Size
1. Play with Universe options for setting up optimal value
of Array fetch Size parameter.
Universe Analysis for Shortcut joins
1. Analyze your reports and universe for possible use of
shortcut joins as they play little but important role in
Index Awareness
1. Try using Index Awareness from Universe side to generate
optimized query.
Universe Cleaning.
1. Make sure LOV is disabled measure objects.
2. Make sure LOV is disable for un-necessary dimension
objects and detail objects.
1. Try evaluating JOIN_BY_SQL universe parameter
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