I am using Shared OR, and my collegues are also using
Shared OR. How to merge Object Repositories?

Answer Posted / srikanth

hi murali,

im using 8.2 version

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hi frinds i need help .i have 4 + yrs exp in testing and nearly 2 yrs exp in QTP and QC .currently iam working north fast 2 yrs iam looking for job in south is there any openings plz letme know my mail id is pbre1980@gmail.com


how to create flat file datasubmission in qtp


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i want information about API testing and i want info like how process can be done in company? i want added info like coding ,debugging, desing in c.v ? what should add in c.v for eg banking domin? pls any answer my question?


Some time when i wanna learn the object i face issue like i am not able learn the object in proper manner... eg:for text bo on web page it should learn as webedit but some times it reads as winobject:internetexpoler-server, because of this i have to uninstall the qtp and re-install it again when i do this it reads the object perfectly.....plz suggest the soln


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how to use the regular expression for the below code-- swf("application name").swftreeview ("Treename").select"Medication;Pharmacy:56" There is a tree view window of the folder's ie Medication- >Pharmacy(sub folder)with 56 as count of records...The records can be different or if no records present in the specific folder..then it show "Paharmacy:-no records".Whe i record at the first time .....and try to rerun the same script with different records count say "pharmacy:800"..qtp is not regnizing it...therefore i want to user regular expression..but donot now how to use it and where to use...i have tried.... swf("application name").swftreeview ("Treename").select"Medication;Pharmacy:\*"..but it s of no use..plz help..me


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i am looking job in perfomance testing using Loadrunner any one help me a project plz......?(Chandana) chs_29@rediffmail.com


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