I am using Shared OR, and my collegues are also using
Shared OR. How to merge Object Repositories?

Answer Posted / murali raju

which version of qtp ur using?8.2 or 9.0

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Print the Prime numbers in below format only up to 20(Need commas also) 1,2,3,5,7,9,11,13,17,19


what is the difference betn QTP 8.0 AND PREVIOUS VERSION


An action has both shared and local OR associated with it and both have the same object in them. In the test which one will be considered?


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Hello everyone! I am just writing a small test for a windows application. I have a problem with a text output value. The value i am trying to catch is presented in a scrollable textbox. When the text is too long, only a portion of it gets captured. Do you have any experience with this?


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Plz Explain How to access Or Store Script from VSS? Explain Real time work (qtp) where you store folders and next to how to you access that folders and how you maintain folders in VSS ? What are the Menu's in VSS? Suppose in Manual, by using Checkin Checkout u can access documents. how you access in QTp REal time?


when I was doing the web testing with QTP using with standard checkpoint the Object selection -checkpoint properties dialog box not displaying pages and links hierarchical order. Could you please tell me. thanks


Did QTP prove efficient for your project? Yes or No, explain?


How can i get the image text that changes dynamically? Here i have used "GetROProperty", but it's not working. I used like Ex:Browser("webmail").Page("inbox").image ("captchaimage).getroproperty("innertext/text/value")